Getting Started

Install Android Studio

Most development, at least starting out, will be on the 3 android applications that form the core of the starknet phone: light client, wallet, and browser.

Installing the build:

  1. Install Android Studio.
  2. Create a new device
  3. Create a fork of this repository, and open the application in Android Studio.
  4. Refer to the contribution guide for any contributions.

Installing on an emulator

NOTE: We are still working to provide an image for download. For now, development on any of the applications can be done on a generic android OS.

Steps to install on an emulator:

  1. Download a zip file of the image.
  2. Make sure Android Studio is installed.
  3. Navigate to the Android SDK install location. On mac this default to Library/Android/sdk
cd Library/Android/sdk

Create a new directory called "android-32", and inside that directory create a new directory called "default"

mkdir android-32/default

Extract the zip file of the OS image to the newly created "default" directory